A downloadable game

Version 0.8 is currently available for download! The game is in a fully playable state but lacks many world assets. Clues that can be looked at currently exist as white cubes


Detective, you have been assigned to investigate the murder of one Moira Watts

Can you crack the case, and discover who it was that committed the sin, who was the murderer of Moira Watts

An Investigation Game:

Designed as a short demo experience, this game will have you explore the property of the murder victim, interacting with clues and then making your deductions as to who to charge in the murder from a list of suspects held in custody.

Find the Clues:

Move through the house and exterior of the property to discover the clues and make sense of them in your own mind.

Make the Call:

Who did it? It's up to you to decide and make the accusation. 

Will you be able to crack the case successfully, or will you send an innocent man to jail?


Background image: Designed by Kjpargeter / Freepik


MoiraWatts-0.8.zip 191 MB

Development log

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