Letters Before Your Eyes

Development continues along and this week along with finishing off parts of the map to ensure that players can no longer drop off the edge to their untimely demise it has been time to start adding in more coding. Primarily making sure players are prompted when they are near objects they can interact with. 

This has been a week of getting used to how Unity calls upon assets and where they have to be located within the hierarchy to be able to get things displayed. Getting a better understanding of the canvas and how that can be called upon by code and then seeing it shut off again has been a vital experience as it is something that is so integral to many games, especially those that come to be so heavy on world building and object interaction.

No interaction

Screen showing player outside of collision box, no on screen prompt
Player moving into collision box, showing prompt on screen

Time is again a factor as balancing family life with development one of my major risks to the success of the project has been what it is, as such some changes are currently being looked at to help shift the workload. Originally all 4 suspects would have been visible on screen, but placing them, and setting up their dialogue and animations looks like it will take longer than anticipated. As such, taking a leaf from the game Scene Investigators, these suspects will be reduced to additional dossiers with their descriptions accessible from the notebook and from the police sergeant. These descriptions are already written and just need to be formatted into a clue document which should be significantly quicker and without heavily impacting the game.

Get The Murder of Moira Watts