Time keeps on slippin'

This is a week where very little progress has been made on the project. The realisation of risks coming to the fore as life of being a father and husband take priority and time away from development is something that can't be avoided. At least time physically developing the game, coding, designing, etc. 

As such this has been a week of reflection, looking over YouTube videos as I was sat in Standstead airport, with Baby Shark playing in my right ear, while watching gameplay of games that has inspired this project played in my left. My recent studies of similar games has been on the newer released detective / puzzle style games, This Bed We Made and Scene Investigators, both of which have released within the past month. Watching how players interacted with the clues, how the assets looked on screen and could be interacted with were interesting to learn, the design choices that had been made with their styling, with This Bed leaning into its more 50's aesthetic, where there is a reliance on physical media such as newspapers and photos. In contrast to this Scene Investigators took a more modern approach, however despite the possibilities of using audio files again sticks to using only written out materials. It has been a confirming experience that this approach has been used in other games recently as in what I am intending to do myself, and seeing both of these games be fairly positively responded to, makes me feel that I have made some good design choices.

Lastly as we look at time again, it does come down to always be aware that life can be fickle and that unexpected things can come up, both positive as well as negative. It is important to look at scope of the project, seeing what is actually required, where focus needs to be set to in order to get a project functional, and with some slight recapping, this Baby Shark detective should still be on the case to deliver what is needed to create an enjoyable experience for players.

Get The Murder of Moira Watts

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