Murder, Colours, and the appreciation of art

The project begins, development of the Murder of Moira Watts is underway and the basics are coming into place. This week has been focussed on getting what will give the game its identity and the fundamentals movement of the player character sorted out so that a map can be built following the documentation.

This time searching for free assets and trying to give a game an identity certainly cements the appreciation of artists and asset model makers, as while I enjoy writing the story and creating these worlds in which experiences can occur, it is their wizardry is what allows these worlds to exist, to have a face, to allow the game to be interacted with in more than just words in a document. The creation of art assets has always been something that as a hopeful developer and designer has been a process that has scared me the most, my mind not working in that way, and souring assets for this project has made me make quick design changes to allow myself to adapt to what is available. It has been a helpful learning process to say the least.

One thing that I have been able to add myself is the alteration of the camera, to now show the game in grayscale when entering play view, this has been a useful tool to learn, looking at colour gradients and colour pop which as development continues will be an important part of how the game comes to exist and the Film Noir feeling I want to bring to the fore as players explore this crime scene. Working with colour in new ways is something that I had not really anticipated when starting this project, but as the design went along and the decision was made to create the game in this style, it has been something that is being greatly enjoyed. 

Colour version of some game assets in scene view
Player camera view when in game mode with colours switched to grayscale

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