Picture Time

While the plan this week was to move on more with functionality of the game, the chance to utilise the Green Screen at the college came up and as such the chance couldn't be passed up to try and capture images for my sprite sheets to see if the idea would work. So, with a pirate costume in hand and a willing volunteer, it was time to see if this old style sprite work would be possible. 

Firstly I went through and found some of the ripped sprite sheets from Mortal Kombat 2 & 3 for references, looking at how they had the original actors move and how many images are used to make up each pose and to give an idea how to direct the actor being used. This was a fun experience and certainly had some learning curves in how to set up lighting to try and gain some consistency with shots and posing. Also trying to keep consistency in the shots perspective.

For this test, the camera used was that on the Pixel Pro 8, which allowed for good quality shots to be taken before editing them using Adobe Express to piece all of the individual shots together into a single sprite sheet, this being the end result for the sprite sheet:


Sprite sheet showing the basic attack for the enemy

With this sprite sheet created, I then put this into Unity, sliced the sprite and adjusted the pivot point to work on a point on the back foot to ensure a consistency in the animation. This then allowed for this as the final result which seems to show that this should be practical for the project to work!

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